PaidyがBest Place to Work in Japan for 2022に認定されました!

Paidy has been recognized as a Best Place to Work in Japan for 2022!

Paidy HR

*English follows

こんにちは、Paidy HRです!先日のプレスリリースにて発表された通り、PaidyがこのたびBast Place To Work for 2022に認定されました。今回は本認定の概要と私たちが大切にしている価値観についてご紹介いたします。

Best Place to Workとは

Best Places to Workは企業文化や成長機会、慣習など8つの要素に関する社員の満足度および人事制度・運用の成熟度を測り、そのスコアが優れた職場を認定するグローバルなプログラムであり、英国に本拠地を持つBest Places To Work Ltdによって運営されています。


  • リーダーシップ

  • 人事制度

  • 報酬

  • 福利厚生

  • チームワークと人間関係

  • 社員のエンゲージメント

  • 職場環境と業務プロセス

  • 企業の社会的責任(CSR)



  • 民族やジェンダー、宗教や年齢などの個々の違いが関係性に影響しない(93%)

  • 同僚は私のアイデアや感情をリスペクトしている(86%)

  • 同僚は誠実さや道徳観をいつも体現している(86%)

  • リーダーは労働法を遵守している(88%)

  • リーダーはオープンで率直なコミュニケーションを取っている(85%)








Hello from Paidy HR! As announced in a recent press release, Paidy has now been certified as a Best Place to Work for 2022. We would like to provide an overview of this certification and the values that we embrace, in this article.

What is “Best Places to Work?”

“Best Places to Work” is a global program that measures a company’s employee satisfaction and the maturity of HR practices across eight areas, including workplace culture, practices, and growth opportunities, and recognizes workplaces with outstanding scores. The program is operated by Best Place To Work Ltd., headquartered in the UK.

Employee satisfaction was measured by a survey on the following topics, and maturity of HR practices was measured by a separate survey completed by the company’s HR team.

  • Leadership

  • HR Practices

  • Compensation

  • Benefits

  • Teamwork & Relationships

  • Employee Engagement

  • Workplace & Procedures

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our core values are clearly evident in the BPTW results

The company received high scores primarily for Diversity & Inclusion, Teamwork, and Leadership, as described below, and was recognized as a psychologically safe and transparent place to work.

  • “Individual differences (gender, ethnicity, color, religion, age, disability, origin, family ties, etc.) do not affect the way people are treated here.” (93%)

  • “My colleagues respect my ideas and feelings.” (86%)

  • “My colleagues demonstrate integrity and ethics at all times.” (86%)

  • “The leaders of our organization respect the labor law.” (88%)

  • “The leaders of our organization communicate openly and frankly.” (85%)

We are very proud of the results, as they are a manifestation of the values that we embrace. Currently, foreign nationals account for 57% of our 165 employees, and foreign employees come from a total of 31 countries (as of March 2022). Since the start of the COVID pandemic, the number of employees participating fully remotely from various countries outside Japan has also increased.

For multinational and multi-site organizations to unite as one team, it is essential to have trusted leadership as well as a culture of respect for others regardless of their backgrounds. In building relationships of trust, understanding the thoughts of others and sincerely conveying your own ideas is more important than language skills themselves.  

At Paidy, each employee understands these values and collaborates across nationalities, locations, and departments to move the business forward every day. While our teaming is more challenging than doing business with a team from a single country and culture, we believe the value that diversity and teamwork can create far outweighs it.

Is working from home supported by employees?

Here is another interesting result. When we asked some questions about working from home in the survey, the score for the question "I can work productively in a work-from-home environment" was 90%. Paidy has been offering working from home arrangements since before the COVID pandemic, but the pandemic has eventually made it more prevalent internally. It is now accepted as a standard way of working for employees. We are happy to see that our employees recognize the company as a Best Place to Work even in (or because of?) such a remote-based environment.

Let’s work together!

Paidy is actively looking for people who can work together in a diverse organization and a culture of mutual respect. Please find our open positions we are currently hiring for here. We look forward to hearing from you!
